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Modern society and law

Research and practice journal “Modern society and law” was established as a printed scientific periodical edition of State University – ESPC in 2010 by the order of OrelSTU ¹ 180 at 20.04.2010 “On publication of scientific periodical editions”. The subject matter of scientific practical journal reflects outstanding achievements of domestic and foreign representatives of legal sciences in the following branches and groups of scientific specialties: 12.00.01 – Theory and history of law and state; history of the doctrines of law and the state (legal sciences), 12.00.02 – Constitutional law; constitutional litigation; municipal law (legal sciences), 12.00.03 – Civil law; business law; family law; international private law (legal sciences), 12.00.04 – Financial law; tax law; budget law (legal sciences), 12.00.06 – Land law; natural resource law; environmental law; agricultural law (legal sciences), 12.00.08 – Criminal law and criminology; penal law (legal sciences), 12.00.14 – Administrative law; administrative process (legal sciences). All manuscripts presented to the editorial office pass reviewing at leading specialists. The edition has got its own electronic address, edition abstracts are published in the Russian and English languages. It is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications and is spread through subscription and realized by contractual terms. The journal  is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals approved by Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) for publishing the basic scientific results required for doctoral and candidate degrees.
About the journal
  • Founder: FSBEI HE “Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev”
  • Published since 2010
  • Issued: six  times a year
  • ISSN 2225-7837
  • Certificate of registration in mass media PI No. FS 77-67170 of  16.09.2016 
  • Subscription index in "The Russian Press": 12002.
  • Subscribe to the journal on «Press of Russia» catalogue.
  • Full-text electronic version is available by subscription on the site of the scientific library elibrary.ru.
  • The journal can be purchased under contract with the editors.

By submitting an article to the journal, the author agrees to its publication, placement and distribution within the publication by subscription and on third-party resources.

Editorial board

  • Pashin A.L. - Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent
Deputy Editor-in-chief:
  • Astrakhan V.I. - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Docent
Responsible for the issue:
Astrakhan V.I.

Publishing board

  • Abashina L.A.Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent
  • Aronov D.V. - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
  • Astafichev P.A. - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor
  • Baumstein A.B. -  Doctor of Juridical Sciences,
  • Borisov G.A. - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor
  • Vasyanina E.L. - Doctor of Juridical Sciences,
  • Vasyukov S.V.  - Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent
  • Guseva T.A. - Doctor of Juridical Sciences,, associate professor
  • Dihtyar A.I. Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent
  • Kantor V.K. - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor
  • Kara-Murza A.A. - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor
  • Komkova G.N. - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor
  • Kuzmin S.I. - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor
  • Livshits Yu.M. - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor
  • Matveev S.P. - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Docent
  • Melnikov N.N. - Doctor of Juridical Sciences
  • Mironova S.M. Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent
  • Rumyantsev F.P. - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor
  • Sizov V.E. - Doctor of Juridical sciences, Docent
  • Tumanova A.S. - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor
  • Sheveleva S.V. - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Docent

Contact information

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Astrakhan Vladimir Ivanovich
Tel. : +7 9102069130

E-mail: so-pravo-ogu.2010@yandex.ru

Address of editorial office

302001, Orel region, Orel, 39 A Komsomolskaya St.

Current issue 
Peer review terms 
Requirements for publications