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Admission requirements (terms and conditions) for the Foundation Course


  • Training of foreign citizens at the Foundation Course is carried out on the basis of direct contracts with students, with full compensation of training costs, as well as at the expense of the federal budget (grants, scholarships) in accordance with the quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the education of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation.
  • The documents for the Foundation Course are received from the 13th of May to the 30th of August 2024 (one year course).
  • The duration of study at the Foundation Course for foreign citizens is 1 year (starts on September 1 of the current year and continues until August 31 of the following year).
  • Students of the Foundation Course are provided with a residence permit, students hostel and medical insurance at the expense of the foreign citizen.
  • The tuition fee for 2024-2025 is:

- 1 year - 113240 rub.;

- 10 months - 93620 rub.;

- 1 year 7 months - 150930 rub. .

A foreign citizen:

- assumes all expenses for traveling to the place of study;

- undertakes to purchase a medical insurance policy valid in the territory of the Russian Federation at his/her own expense;

- agrees to come to the place of study no later than 5 (five) calendar days prior to the expiration of his/her entry student visa.

- undertakes to notify the Preparatory Department (priem.fc.osu@mail.ru, WhatsApp +79038826890) of the ticketed border crossing date and the date of arrival in Orel at least 7 days prior to arrival.

The University does not provide or support the stay in the Russian Federation for family members and other relatives of foreign citizens accepted for study.

The University informs foreign citizens that it usually takes 7 to 14 days to send documents by mail


Reception of documents required for admission at the address:

302020, Oryol, Komsomolskaya srt. 41, 1-th floor, room 103.

Tel: +79038826890

E-mail: priem.fc.osu@mail.ru


At the Foundation Course are accepted foreign citizens willing to undergo training, regardless of age, education, occupation, not speaking Russian or mastering it to the extent insufficient for training in Russian universities, in the presence of national education documents required for admission to the relevant level of higher education (bachelor, specialist, master's degree, post-graduate student).

At the Foundation Course accepted foreign citizens who have completed general secondary, secondary vocational or higher education in any specialty or field of study. A foreign citizen provides a document of a foreign state on education or on education and qualification, if specified in the education it is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of appropriate education (hereinafter - the document of a foreign state on education). The document must be legalized in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation or it must be the apostille (except in cases where, in accordance with the Russian legislation and (or) international treaties of legalization and apostille is not required).

Documents in a foreign language must be translated into Russian and certified in accordance with established procedure (optional holder of the document: Russian notary, Consulate of the Russian Federation in the country issuing the document on education or the Consulate of the Russian Federation of the country in which the education document is issued) .

Admission for training at the Foundation Course is made without admission tests.

Admission Regulations to “Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev” for training in additional general education programs providing training of  foreign citizens and stateless persons to acquire professional educational programs in Russian in the 2024/2025 academic year, is established the list of documents that must be submitted to a foreign citizen for invitation for training at the preparatory department:

1. The  Invitation form  for admission to the Foundation Course (prepared on a special form, which is issued on the basis of an invitation to enter the Russian Federation and the contract for the provision of educational services);

2. A copy of the identity document of a foreign citizen, that will be used to enter the territory of the Russian Federation (the passport). The validity of the identity document of the foreign citizen on the day of entering the Russian Federation must be at least eighteen (18) months;

3. Duly certified translation into Russian language of the document certifying the identity of the foreign citizen;

4. The original of the document on education of a foreign citizen and the application to the document with a list of studied subjects and received marks or points issued by a foreign state, an equivalent document recognized by the state standard of education in the Russian Federation and legalized in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation or with the apostille (except in cases where, in accordance with the Russian legislation and (or) international treaties of legalization where the apostille is not required) - if it avalible at the time of submitting the invitation form.

Admission Regulations to “Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev” for training in additional general education programs providing training of  foreign citizens and stateless persons to acquire professional educational programs in Russian in the 2023/2024 academic year, is established the list of documents that must be submitted to a foreign citizen for admission for training at the preparatory department:

1. The application form  for admission to the Foundation Course (prepared on a special form, which is issued on the basis of an invitation to enter the Russian Federation and the contract for the provision of educational services);

2. A copy of the identity document of a foreign citizen, that will be used to enter the territory of the Russian Federation (the passport). The validity of the identity document of the foreign citizen on the day of entering the Russian Federation must be at least eighteen (18) months;

3. Duly certified translation into Russian language of the document certifying the identity of the foreign citizen;

4. The original of the document on education of a foreign citizen and the application to the document with a list of studied subjects and received marks or points issued by a foreign state, an equivalent document recognized by the state standard of education in the Russian Federation and legalized in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation or with the apostille (except in cases where, in accordance with the Russian legislation and (or) international treaties of legalization where the apostille is not required);

5. The Russian translation of the document on education and the application to the document of a foreign state, duly certified (by the choice of the holder of the document: Russian notary, Consulate of the Russian Federation in the country issuing the document on education or the Consulate of the Russian Federation in the country, a certificate of education issued);

6. 2 photos 3x4;

In the case of compliance with the requirements of Regulation submitted documents acceptance, confirmation of payment of the contract for the provision of paid educational services and the transfer of funds in full at the expense of the university, the foreign citizen is being issued an invitation to enter the Russian Federation.

In addition, foreign citizens have the right to receive education due to budget allocations in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws or established by the Russian Federation Government quota for education of foreign citizens (hereinafter - the quota).

Direction of foreign citizens for training is being done by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Russian legislation.

When applying for a training quota of foreign citizen shall submit the following documents:

  • questionnaire-application form that has been printed from the information-analytical system of formation and distribution of the quotas of foreign citizens and stateless persons, including the compatriots living abroad to study in the Russian Federation, with a color photograph attached;
  • copies of documents on education with indication of studied subjects and estimations (points);
  • ocument from the medical institution of the country of residence of the candidate, confirming the absence of medical contraindications for study in the Russian Federation;
  • document from the medical establishment of the candidate's country of residence, confirming the absence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS disease;
  • the copies of passport pages on which the foreigner will cross the border of the Russian Federation, valid for at least 18 months from the start date of the entry by the student visa (clearly readable pages containing setting data for invitation);
  • 2 photos 3х4cm 

Admission for training within the quota is made on the bases of the direction of Ministry of Education of Russia.

Upon arrival to the University foreign citizen must undergo a medical examination.

Students of the preparatory department are provided with places in university dormitories (2-, 3-bed accommodation) (subject to availability!!!!!), they are given the right to use classrooms, equipment, libraries, reading rooms, textbooks, teaching aids and materials, as well as sports and cultural facilities on a par with Russian students .

The Procedure of Recognition and Equivalence of Education

During training at the preparatory department the foreign citizen must go through the procedure of recognition and equivalence of education of its instrument, without which it is impossible to get further training in "OSU named after I.S. Turgenev."

"Recognition" - the consent of state authorities (the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science) for the presence of legal validity of the documents on the territory of the Russian Federation.

This procedure is carried out a National Accreditation Agency (NAA), located at the address:  Leninsky Prospekt, 2A, Moscow, Russia  zip: 119049. Tel .: +7(495) 317-17-10; e-mail:  recognition@msk.nica.ru

The list of documents required for the implementation of procedures for the recognition and equivalence

• The original of the document on education (including annexes), legalized in the established order.

• Translation of a document on education and annexes to the Russian language, certified by a notary.

• Translation of the passport into Russian, notarized.

• Receipt of payment of state fees for the issuance of a certificate of recognition and equivalence in the Russian Federation of foreign documents on education (is issued upon receipt of the documents, or sent by e-mail).

For more information on the recognition of foreign education documents can be viewed on the website National Accreditation Agency.

A set of documents sent by a foreign citizen in the National Accreditation Agency entrusted with the work on the examination of documents. Subsequently Federal Service For Supervision In Education And Science (Rosobrnadzor) decides on the recognition of the documents in question on education.

In the affirmative answer Rosobrnadzor issues a letter confirming the right of a citizen to study in higher educational establishments of the Russian Federation.

Typically, the procedure takes about 4 - 6 months, so if you decide to enter the first year of university, you need to send documents immediately upon arrival in Russia.


Аdditional Information

Rules of admission 2024 
General Provision on Foreign Citizens Training in Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev 
Information on the training profiles 
Information about the possibility of admission of the exposure for training by the Electronic Form 

Invitation Form For Foreign Citizens Entering on Foundation Course (Pre-university training) (Rus/Eng)

Application Form For Foreign Citizens Entering on Foundation Course (Pre-university training) (Rus)
Contract on education for training in additional educational programs 
Basic Rules оf Residing In Hostel Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev 
Fire Prevention Rules for the residents living in University Hostel 
Internal Order Rules In Students Hostel 

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