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Information systems and technologies

Journal “Information systems and technologies” is a legal successor of scientific journal “Izvestiya OrelSTU”, series “Information systems and technologies”. The magazine is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, approved by Higher Attestation Commission. In a new format the journal has been published and distributed through the subscription since half-year period of 2009. Subscription index in union catalogue “Press of Russia” is 15998. The journal deals with scientific directions, connected with information systems and technologies: informatics and computing techniques, information measuring equipments and systems radio techniques and connection. The heads of the journal represent such directions as mathematic and software modeling of computing techniques and automated systems; computer modeling; automation and production control; telecommunication systems and computer network; information security and information protection; information technologies in social-economic and organizational and technical systems.
About the journal
  • Founder: Orel State University.
  • Published since 2002.
  • Issued: six times a year.
  • The magazine is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, approved by Higher Attestation Commission.
  • ISSN 2072-8964
  • Certificate of registration in mass media ПИ №ФС 77-67168 on September 16, 2016/
  • Subscription index in "The Russian Press": 15998.
  • Subscribe to the journal on «Press of Russia» catalogue.
  • Full-text electronic version is available by subscription on the site of the scientific library elibrary.ru.
  • The journal can be purchased under contract with the editors.

By submitting an article to the journal, the author agrees to its publication, placement and distribution within the publication by subscription and on third-party resources.

The main headings
  • Mathematic software of computer techniques and automated systems
  • Mathematic and computer modeling
  • Information technologies in social-economic and organizational and technical systems
  • Automation and production control
  • Telecommunication systems and computer network
  • Information security

Editorial board

  • Konstantinov I.S. - Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, doctor of engineering sciences, professor, professor of the depatrment Information systems
Assistant Editor-in-chief:
  • Kos'kin A.V. - Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, doctor of engineering sciences, professor, director of the department of informatization and perspective development, professor of the depatrment Information systems
Responsible for the issue:
  • Konstantinova O.I. - Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, head of information-analytical group of Resource center of informatization of education

Members of the editorial board:

  • Arhipov O.P. – Orel Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Informatics Problems, branch manager, candidate of engineering sciences, senior research associate
  • Averchenkov V.I. – Bryansk State Technical University, head of the department "Сomputer technologies and systems", doctor of engineering sciences, professor
  • Eryomenko V.T. – Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, professor of the department "Electronics, Computer Sciences and Information Security", doctor of engineering sciences, professor
  • Ivannikov A.D. – State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications "Informika", Moscow, first deputy director, doctor of technical sciences, professor, laureate of the Russian Federation in the field of education
  • Kos'kin A.V. – Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, director of the department of information and perspective development,doctor of engineering sciences,
    professor of the depatrment Information systems
  • Podmaster'ev K.V. – Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, head of the department "Testing, metrology and certification", doctor of engineering sciences, professor
  • Polyakov A.A. – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, deputy dean of the faculty of public administration information technology, head of information systems management; doctor of technical sciences, professor
  • Savina O.A. – Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, head of the department of Information systems, doctor of economics sciences, professor
  • Rakov V.I. – Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, professor of the department "Information systems", doctor of engineering sciences
Editor-in-chief: Konstantinov I.S. – doctor of technical sciences, professor
Tel: 8-4862-43-49-56 e-mail: konstantinov@ostu.ru
Responsible for heading:
Heading «Mathematic software of computer techniques and automated systems»
Editor Konstantinov I.S.
Responsible for the head: Editor-in-chief
Heading «Mathematic and computer modeling»
Editor Konstantinov I.S.
Responsible for the head: Editor-in-chief
Heading «Information technologies in social-economic and organizational and technical systems»
Editor Koskin A.V.
Responsible for the head: Deputy of editor-in-chief
Heading «Automation and production control»
Editor Konstantinov I.S.
Responsible for the head: Editor-in-chief
Heading «Telecommunication systems and computer network»
Editor Koskin A.V.
Responsible for the head: Deputy of editor-in-chief
Heading «Information security»
Editor Koskin A.V.
Responsible for the head: Deputy of editor-in-chief

Contact information:

Editor-in-chief: Konstantinov I.S.

E-mail: konstantinovi@mail.ru

Executive editor: Fedorova N.Yu.

Tel.: 8 910 204 05 34

E-mail: fedorovanat57@mail.ru

Web-site: http://oreluniver.ru/

Address of editorial office:
302020, Orel region, Orel, 40 Naugorskoe shosse.


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