Economic and humanitarian sciences
Scientific-practical journal «Economic Sciences and Humanities» is the successor of the scientific journal «News of the Orel state technical University», series «Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities», which is published regularly, Orel state technical University in 1995, and since 2007 and currently is part of an existing The list of leading reviewed scientific journals and publications, some WAC. The scientific journal «Economic Sciences and Humanities» registered with the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications (Certificate: ПИ № ФС77-67026 from 30 August 2016); is distributed by subscription (subscription index in the United catalogue «Press of Russia» - 29503). From 1 January 2009 the scientific journal is published 12 times per year and a circulation of 1000 copies. From the second half of 2009 the magazine is published under the name of «Economic Sciences and Humanities». To subscribe to the magazine catalog «Press of Russia».
- Constitutor: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev» (Orel State University).
- The journal «Economic and humanitarian sciences» is in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and editions, approved by Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) for publishing the works required for academic degrees (The scientific specialization of the journal corresponds to the scientific specialties and the corresponding branches of science in which academic degrees are awarded):
- 5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economics (economic sciences)
- 5.2.4 Finance (economic sciences)
- Published since 1995.
- Issued: twelve times a year.
- ISSN 2073-7424
- Journal is registered in Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications. The certificate of registration № ФС77-67026 from 30 August 2016
- Subscription index in the United catalogue «Press of Russia»: 29503.
- Full-text version is available by subscription from the website of the scientific library
- Implemented on a contractual basis in the wording.
- Scientific journal includes the following sections: «Research trends in the development of investment and innovation», «Scientific field of accounting and analytical systems», «Research directions in the field of Finance, taxes and credit», «The Scientific development of economy and enterprise management».
By submitting an article to the journal, the author agrees to its publication, placement and distribution within the publication by subscription and on third-party resources.
Editorial board
- Popova L. V. - doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting Orel State University (Orel, Russia)
- Varaksa N.G. - doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Orel State University (Orel, Russia)
- Korostelkina I. A. - doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Orel State University (Orel, Russia)
- Maslov B. G. - doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Orel State University(Orel, Russia)
Responsible for the issue:
Varaksa N.G. - doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Orel State University (Orel, Russia)
The members of the editorial Board:
- Bondarchuk N.V, doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, Director of the Scientific and Educational Center of Finance and Investments of the Institute of Finance and Sustainable Development of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administratio (Moscow, Russia)
- Vasil'eva M.V., doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Orel State University (Orel, Russia)
- Vankevich E.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of Vitebsk State Technological University (Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus)
- Guichard J.-P., doctor of Economics, Professor of the University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France)
- Kuter M.I., doctor of Economics, professor Kuban State University (Krasnodar, Russia)
- Maslova I.A., doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Orel State University (Orel, Russia)
- Melnik M.V., doctor of economic Sciences, Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
- Polidi A. A., doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin (Krasnodar, Russia)
- Surnina K.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Simferopol, Russia)
- Sukharev O.S., doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, Institute of Economics, RAS (Moscow, Russia)
- Tovma N.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctor (PhD), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)
- Usenko L.N., Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Rostov State University of Economics (RINH) (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
Contact information
Tel.: (4862) 41-98-60
Responcsible editor - Varaksa N.G.
Tel.: +7 9202818413
302020, Orel region, Orel, Naugorskoye highway, 40
Tel: 8 (4862) 41-98-60
Fax: 8(4862) 41-98-60