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English version

University: Orel State University(OSU) Date: 28.04.2015
Std no Name Short description Value Remark
1 The Context* Adoption of the principle that product, process, and system lifecycle development and deployment -- Conceiving, Designing, Implementing and Operating -- are the context for engineering education 4 A team was created to promote the CDIO Initiative at OSU. Teachers have been trained at the Academy of CDIO and promote the initiative CDIO at our university. CDIO Implementation of technologies in all educational programs included and described in terms of the development of the University approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
2 Learning Outcomes Specific, detailed learning outcomes for personal and interpersonal skills, and product, process, and system building skills, as well as disciplinary knowledge, consistent with program goals and validated by program stakeholders. 3 Educational programs are based on a survey of stakeholders (students, graduates, employers and teachers), and then writing agreed with employers and teachers. There are targeted orders with production enterprises.
3 Integrated Curriculum A curriculum designed with mutually supporting disciplinary courses, with an explicit plan to integrate personal and interpersonal skills, and product, process, and system building skills 4 The average score for high school 4 points since there are no curricula through project-based learning technologies. But already developed and implemented by integrating curricula that meet all the requirements of CDIO standards for 5 points. Integrated curricula developed in the following areas: Undergraduate: 15.03.04 - Automation of technological processes and manufactures, 13.03.02 - Power and Electrical Engineering, 23.03.03 - Operation of transport and technological machines and systems.
Master: 15.04.04, Automation of technological processes and production.
4 Introduction to Engineering An introductory course that provides the framework for engineering practice in product, process, and system building, and introduces essential personal and interpersonal skills 4 Most curriculum has always been the course "Introduction to the profession". Now we try to implement it in all directions and make it cross-cutting (all 8 semesters).
5 Design-Implement experiences A curriculum that includes two or more design-implement experiences, including one at a basic level and one at an advanced level 4 Our curriculum includes three levels of projects: basic, advanced and interdisciplinary.
6 Engineering Workspaces Engineering workspaces and laboratories that support and encourage hands-on learning of product, process, and system building, disciplinary knowledge, and social learning 4 There are classrooms and laboratories equipped with modern equipment, allowing to realize the full production cycle from planning - designing - production - usage.
7 Integrated Learning Experiences  Integrated learning experiences that lead to the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge, as well as personal and interpersonal skills, and product, process, and system building skills 2 Integrated education is implemented, but it is not always the positive result.
8 Active Learning Teaching and learning based on active experiential learning methods 3 Most of our teachers use active learning methods.
9 Enhancement of Faculty Competence Actions that enhance faculty competence in personal and interpersonal skills, and product, process, and system building skills 3 Every three years, all teachers are required to take training courses at work or in other universities, including international. There is also implemented in the area of ownership CDIO technology plan to improve teacher training.
10 Enhancement of Faculty Teaching Competence Actions that enhance faculty competence in providing integrated learning experiences, in using active experiential learning methods, and in assessing student learning 4 Most of our teachers have the necessary competencies in teaching, the teachers are required to be trained for necessary discipline, to have teaching skills and competencies. Teachers regularly participate in conferences and training their Trade Fairs and Shows oratorical qualities.
11 Learning Assessment Assessment of student learning in personal and interpersonal skills, and product, process, and system building skills, as well as in disciplinary knowledge 3 There are used methods of assessment of learning outcomes throughout the curriculum. And also developed and implemented a modern technology and methods of assessment.
12 Program Evaluation A system that evaluates programs against these twelve standards, and provides feedback to students, faculty, and other stakeholders for the purposes of continuous improvement 3 There is a system of evaluation of educational programs to help graduates, teachers and employers. Adapting educational programs takes place every year, but not always effectively.