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Выступление известных ученых из США – проф. Вольфганг Мидер и проф. Кевин Дж. Маккена


29 мая 2018 года в Институте Языкознания РАН состоялся семинар,  на котором с докладами выступили известные ученые из США – проф. Вольфганг Мидер и проф. Кевин Дж. Маккена.

Группа наших студентов и магистрантов, сопровождаемая проф. кафедры английской филологии Абакумовой Ольгой Борисовной посетила это научное мероприятие. 




















Вольфганг Мидер, профессор кафедры немецкого и русского языкознания Университета штата Вермонт, известный паремиолог, редактор ежегодника “Proverbium: Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship” выступил

с докладом “Life is a Journey”: Aspects of Homegrown American Proverbs

What makes a proverb an American proverb? How are such proverbs identified? Is it really possible to speak of American proverbs when many proverbs current in the United States go back to classical times, the Bible, medieval Latin, and predominantly to proverbs that originated in Great Britain? What then are the proverbs indigenous to the United States that have been created from colonial times all the way to modernity? Do such modern homegrown American proverbs differ in structure and style from other proverbs used in the English language in North America? How about the metaphors and realia appearing in these proverbs, and what are the dominant themes of their wisdom? What makes the modern American proverbs different from older texts and where do they come from? Are some originators known or do most of them have anonymous beginnings? What role does the mass media play in the distribution of new proverbs? And what influence do authentic American proverbs have throughout the world with the unquestionable importance of English as the lingua franca of the world? These are vexing questions demanding at least partial answers as proverbs become ever more a global linguistic and cultural phenomenon. As verbal “monumenta human” they warrant the attention of cultural historians, folklorists, linguists and other scholars and students interested in the social sciences and humanities. Proverbs are indeed very much in season in America, Russia, and elsewhere in the world, and the proverbial statement “A proverb is worth a thousand words” will doubtlessly remain true for generations to come.













Кевин Дж. Маккена, профессор кафедры немецкого и русского языкознания Университета штата Вермонт, паремиолог, лексиколог и литературовед, автор работ о творчестве Гоголя, Достоевского, Чехова, Пастернака и Солженицына выступил с докладом «Никто не пророк в своём отечестве»:/’No Man Is a Prophet in His Own Land’: Vermont’s (USA) Centennial Observance of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Birth and Life”

December 12, 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of Nobel Prize Laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s birthday.  Born in Kislovodsk, Russia, Solzhenitsyn late in life became a resident of Cavendish, Vermont where he and his wife (Natalya Dmitriyevna) raised their three sons over the course of 18 years.   Why did this famous and brilliant Russian writer select Vermont for his new “home?” What was life like for a Russian-born writer in the verdant hills and valleys of  Vermont?  While Solzhenitsyn was certainly a “prophet” in his native Russia in the 1960s-1970s, why did the United States turn its “back” on their “new prophet” following his Harvard Commencement Lecture in 1978?  What explains the decision of everyday Vermonters in Cavendish to refuse to abandon Solzhenitsyn following the Harvard Lecture? And in Russia itself, was its proverbial prophet abandoned upon his return to his homeland in 1994?   Can, indeed, “prophets” return to their homeland, be it Russia or Vermont?  And, if so, how did Russian proverbs sustain the daily life, and influence the literary works of this famous and invaluable Russian writer?  To address these questions, analysis will turn to the role of proverbs in Solzhenitsyn’s Nobel Prize Lecture, Мир спасёт красота/ Beauty Will Save the World as well as to his novella, Матрёнин двор/ Matryona's Home.

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