State University ESPC is a unique and dynamically developing education-science-production complex in Russia which integrates qualitative education, perspective science and effective production. At present the university comprises 3 branches, 8 educational institutions, 11 faculties, 47 departments, 18 regional scientific subdivisions and branches of field academies, more than 90 scientific-technical, scientific and research, educational, education and methodics, innovative, consulting, diagnostic and health recreation centers.
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Our Benefits • A wide range of perspective specialties and degree programs • Continuing multilevel training system • Opportunities for additional education • High competency level of teachers • A unique education and methodics materials • Great demand in our graduates at the labor market • Interesting leisure activities for the students |
State University ESPC offers different academic degrees at full-time, evening and part-time courses of study in institutions and faculties. • Institute of Law • Institute of Finance and Economics • Institute of Technology • Educational -Scientifical-Research Institute of Information Technologies • Institute of Architecture and Construction • Institute of Transport • Institute of Distance Learning • Institute of Additional Professional Education • Faculty of Finance • Faculty of Economics and Management • Faculty of Pre-University Training and Professional Vocational Guidance • Faculty of Machine Building and Light Production • Faculty of New Technologies and Production Automation • Faculty of Food Biotechnology and Merchandizing • Faculty of Physical Training and Sports • Faculty of Science and Humanities • Faculty of Evening Education • Faculty of Secondary Professional Education • Faculty for International Students |
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High Quality Education
State University ESPC comprises a unique higher-education teaching personnel. There are more than 80 doctors of science and members of different academies, more than 300 candidates of technical, economical, juridical, physical-mathematical, biological, chemical and other sciences, more than 500 post-graduate students, doctoral candidate and candidates for a degree. The use of state-of-art equipment for educational purposes allows improving specialist preparation quality and more effective work of teaching personnel of our university.
Technological Effectiveness and Innovation of Educational Process The important advantage of getting education in State University ESPC is the use of state of-art educational instruments in education process that are based on IT-technologies: multimedia CD, interactive educational courses, electronic workshops, business games. These developments is constantly improving educational process and preparing specialists at a high level.
Market Oriented High level of specialist preparation in State University ESPC is achieving through the specialist knowledge and orientation of educational process to practice. The graduates are strictly oriented on modern market demands and have a wide range of demanding professional competences. High professional qualification, active participation of specialists-practitioners in educational process, application of modern educational technologies allow State University ESPC to train competitive professionals that can work within their specialty in Russia and abroad after graduating the university.
Lively Student Life Students’ life in State University ESPC is a fascinating world of activities that make education more interesting and memorable. Students have many opportunities to self-development from participation in festivals, competitions, contents to all-Russian and international competitions, conferences for students, post-graduate students and young scientists. Students have a chance to take a rest and improve their health. International Contacts The international contacts play an important role in State University ESPC. . The general management of international activities at the University is carried out by Fedotov Aleksandr Anatolievich, Prorector for development and administrative questions, Zhidikin Andrey Aleksandrovich, Dean for work with international students, Zhilina Irina Vladislavovna, head of department for work with international students. At present time a number of cooperation agreements with higher education institutions of France, Germany, Italy, the USA and India have been signed and function. In the realm of academic and student exchanges the Orel STU maintains contacts with such Programs as IREX, Fullbright, DAAD, Ford’s Fund, our University works within programs Invent, Leonard Euler, TEMPUS-TACIS, BISTRO. As a result of the Cooperation Agreement with the region Champagne-Ardenne (France) in the course of nine years the annual linguistic contests for the best knowledge in French between our students are held in the University. The winners are honored with the linguistic probation period and probation period on a specialty studied. Now the Institute of Architecture of our University along with the Universities of Voronezh and Novocherkassk take part in the Program of Information – Communication Technologies Integration in Higher Education Institutions of Russia with the assistance of the Technical University of Dresden representing the European Union. |
State University– Education-Science-Production Complex
Our address
Russia, 302020, Orel, Naugorskoe shosse, 29.
Professor Pilipenko Olga Vasilyevna
Tel.: 8-4862-42-00-24
Fax: 8-4862-41-66-84
Prorector for Development and Administrative Questions
Fedotov Aleksandr Anatolievich
Tel.: 8-4862-43-26-00
Dean for Work with International Students
Zhidikin Andrey Aleksandrovich
Tel.: 8-4862-41-98-06
Head of Department for Work with International Students
Zhilina Irina Vladislavovna
Tel.: 8-4862-41-98-11
Orel Today
Orel is situated in the south of the central European region of Russia in 382 km from Moscow. It was founded in 1566. The population of Orel is about 400 000. Orel is one of the cultural and literary places of Russia and located in the heart of it. Our city is well known due to the pleiad of outstanding Russian writers: Turgenev, Leskov.